State/UT's share of STs to Total ST population of India Concentration of ST population across various states Infant Mortality rate among Indigenous and Tribal populations in different countries Time trend of IMR in ST population Annual rate of reduction in IMR of STs Comparision of IMR in ST and Others Time trend of under-five mortality in ST population Comparison of under-five mortality in STs and others Comparision of IMR in states in STs and Others Under-five mortality in social groups in selected states Proportion of different illness groups in ST population Comparison of reported illness groups in ST vs total population Average daily household intake by ST population of food stuffs as % of RDA Average daily household intake of nutrients by ST population as % of RDA Prevalence of under-nutrition among tribal children in comparison to other population groups Out of Pocket Expenditure over tobacco in Gadchiroli Status of Pharmacists - PHCs and CHCs(Tribal Areas) % of surplus/deficit of HRH in the tribal areas of the states Map of PVTGs in different states of India based on census 2001 Proposed Governance structure of Tribal Health Proposed Governance Structure of Tribal Health